ABRACADABRA - A Balanced Reading Approach for Children Actively Designed to Achieve Best Results for All
In addition to the core team the following individuals are members of this team:
- Joveria Anwar — Bachelor Student, Concordia University (Quebec)
- Noah Battaglia — Masters Student, Wilfrid Laurier University (Ontario)
- Musle Uddin (Babu) Bhuiya — Aga Khan Academy (Dhaka)
- Dr. Alan Cheung — Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Livison Chovu — Aga Khan Academy (Mombasa)
- Cliff Ghaa — Aga Khan Academy (Mombasa)
- Dr. Alexandra Gottardo — Wilfrid Laurier University (Ontario)
- Dr. Sunny Kwo — Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Arzou Lashkari — Bachelor Student, Concordia University (Quebec)
- Natasha Vogel — Masters Student, Guelph University (Ontario)
- Dr. Eileen Wood — Wilfrid Laurier University (Ontario)
Additional Acknowledgements
Special thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their invaluable input:
- Members of the LTK+ Advisory board (formerly the ABRA Steering Committee)
- English and French Language Arts consultants from the English school boards
- LEARN P-Team Portfolio Sub-committee
- All the teachers and students from our research schools within the English Montreal, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Lester B. Pearson, Riverside, Central Quebec, Eastern Shores and Eastern Townships school boards in Quebec
We would also like to acknowledge the contributors to earlier versions of the software including:
- Dr. Catherine Adams — University of Alberta
- Dr. Adeela Arshad Ayaz — Concordia University (Quebec)
- Manuela Bertoni — LTK+ Creative Director
- Alia Bhimji — Video Editor
- Jacqueline Biddle — LTK+ Trainer
- Jonathan Cardone — LTK+ Developer
- Erin Comaskey — LTK+ Coordinator
- Andrea Cooperberg — LTK+ Instructional Designer
- Benoit Danis — LTK+ Developer
- Gia Deleveaux — LTK+ Instructional Designer
- Dr. Susan Emmett — Charles Darwin University (Australia)
- Dr. Mary Ann Evans — Guelph University (Ontario)
- Leigh Glynn-Finnegan — LTK+ Creative Director
- Jonathan Harding — LTK+ Developer
- Michael Hemingway — LTK+ Web Designer
- Geoff Hipps — ABRA Coordinator
- Einat Idan — LTK+ Lead Instructional Designer
- Rose Iminza — Aga Khan Academy (Mombasa)
- Ane Jorgensen — LTK+ Instructional Designer
- Enos Kiforo — Aga Khan Academy (Mombasa)
- Tess Kuramoto — LTK+ Creative Director
- Dr. Tess Lea — Charles Darwin University (Australia)
- Catherine LeBel — LTK+ Creative Director
- Dr. Barley Mak — Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Jonathon Marsh — Aga Khan Academies
- Ayaz Naseem — Concordia University (Quebec)
- Vanitha Pillay — LTK+ Trainer
- Dr. Noella Piquette-Tomei — University of Lethbridge (Alberta)
- Sébastien Rainville — LTK+ Developer
- Dr. Robert Savage — McGill University (Quebec)
- Vladimir Severgine — LTK+ Developer
- Lina Shoumarova — LTK+ Trainer
- Dr. Linda Siegel — University of British Columbia
- Denise Silverstone — LTK+ Research Coordinator
- Francis Simmons — LTK+ Instructional Designer
- Micha Therrien — LTK+ Creative Director
- Liz Warwick — LTK+ Lead Instructional Designer
- Bev White — Director, LEARN
- Louis Wilfried Mbog — LTK+ Developer
- Dehua Zhang — LTK+ Developer
- Mimi Zhou — LTK+ Developer
And most of all... thank you to our funders! The development of ABRA was made possible because of financial contributions from: Industry Canada’s SchoolNet Program, the Norshield Foundation, the Inukshuk Fund, Valorisation – Recherche Québec, Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC), Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec (MELS), le centre de transfert pour le réussite éducative du Québec (CTREQ), the Chawkers Foundation, the Canadian Council on Learning; the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network; Max Bell Foundation, LEARN and for the Australian version – the Telstra Foundation.